Harness the power of the Science of Influence to Close More Deals, NOW!

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7:00 → 7:45PM (KSA Time)

In today's fast-evolving digital landscape, our sales success hinges on the ability to influence prospects to say YES to your requests or proposals. This program is designed to make you a more effective persuaders with ease!

Hear YES more often and close more deals with science-based, ethical strategies.

Use my SPC model to optimize your sales process, discover the best persuasion principle for each stage, and achieve the best results.

Human Decision-Making

Learn the importance of understanding human decision-making as a key to influencing decisions and guiding individuals toward intended outcomes. You'll explore foundational aspects of decision-making, and how principles of persuasion can be systematically applied to influence behavior effectively.

The 7 Universal Principles

In this most information-overloaded, stimulus-saturated environment that has ever existed on the planet, causing uncertainty, there has been a need for a new way to help your prospect trust you and take action. This is where these “7 Principles” come to play as they have become a cornerstone for salespeople serious about increasing their influence.

The Influence in Sales

Boost your sales with our proven strategies. Together, we'll review and optimize your sales process. Then I will provide concrete, actionable items for each stage of the sales process. Finally, your sales team and I will choose the best principle to be used at each stage, ensuring significant sales growth.

Roadmap Image

STOP Losing Deals To Your Competitors

  • Explore my program that increased sales to a medium-sized company by 93% in less than 6 months.
  • Discover the exact steps you should be taking right now to achieve your sales goals.

What They Said

They enrolled, implemented the roadmap, and achieved success. Don't wait to join them!

Trusted by Business Institutions Worldwide

Need More Deals with Small-Big?

Discover how to influence your customers’ decisions in 15min!
Learn how “Small-Big” will boost your ability to effectively influence your prospects, giving you an edge over competitors, and bringing you closer to achieving your sales goals faster.